Greek Mayor Accidentally Drops Pot on Woman’s Head

Greek traditions are weird, to say the least.

By Braden Bjella

Published 10 months ago in Funny

Greek traditions are weird, to say the least.

Greek traditions are weird, to say the least. For example, this past Saturday, residents of the town of Corfu celebrated Holy Saturday with a practice called “botides.” This is where residents of the town fill a clay pot with water and then throw it out the window.

See? I told you it was weird.

While this tradition usually goes off without a hitch, there are a few cases where it can go wrong. This year featured one of those cases.

In front of a large crowd, Deputy Mayor Spyros Halikiopoulo held a pot out of a window. Soon, he let it go — right onto a woman’s head.

The video shows a woman simply minding her own business walking down the street when she’s suddenly hit by a large red pot. The strike promptly takes her and the other woman with whom she was walking to the ground, a reaction that causes onlookers to shriek with surprise.

Just in case you couldn’t quite make out what was happening here, there are thankfully several angles of the incident.

According to Metro, the mayor’s office claimed to have taken all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the event. Despite this, they still managed to hit a woman in the head with a pot, so — and this is my own speculation here — but they probably could have taken a few more.

“This is a rare occurrence, as although during the custom thousands of [pots] fall (and often from a great height), injuries are rare as everyone pays close attention and thus enjoys the unique moment,” a statement from the mayor’s office reads.

The women in the video appear to be okay, though this will probably serve as a warning to residents to occasionally look up as they roam around the city. If they don’t, they might get a face full of porcelain.

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